Yamaha GB1K Baby Grand (2016)

The GB1K is Yamaha’s current best selling grand piano model. It’s modern dynamic scale design allows this piano to project a very robust well rounded tone this isn’t found in other pianos of its size. It’s sonic brilliance is pretty incredible when comparing it to other larger pianos in the showroom.

This 2016 one owner model was so clean when we acquired it, that it went straight to our showroom. We have some cosmetic areas to spot treat to make the cabinet perfect, and a keyboard and action regulation to preform, but this piano is very close to being ready to go.

A new GB1K has an MSRP of $14,999.
We will have this one priced at $8,799.
This would be a pretty incredible deal for someone who has been considering a new GB1K purchase, or someone in the market for a high quality baby grand at a steep discount.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

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Yamaha YUS Studio Upright


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